Finished in a beautiful mottled pale brown, the Asteria Chimalin AFC Chiminea – Glazed Cappuccino makes a stunning focal point for any garden or patio. The classic Mexican design, with its broad mouth, gives you a great view of the fire inside, part of the ancient magic of chimeneas. The unusually strong draw through the mouth produces a very hot, clean and bright flame, leaving barely any ash behind, so it’s a fuel-efficient patio fire as well as lovely to look at.
The special clay it’s made from is so strong there’s a 5 year guarantee against thermal cracking, usually a risk for clay chimeneas when there are sudden changes in temperature. There’s no need to season the clay or use a base layer of insulating material to protect the clay against cracking, like you usually would. Simply light a fire and she’ll heat up fast to radiate warmth into the surroundings.
The Asteria Chimalin AFC Chiminea – Glazed Cappuccino in bullets:
- Includes a strong 3 leg steel stand for great stability
- Matching rain lid
- Beautiful glaze
- Chimalin AFC clay resists thermal cracking really well
- Height: 132cm, Width: 51.6cm
- Cook up a storm on this one in all sorts of ways: a chicken roaster, skewers, cast iron cookpot, cooking iron, and more