Monthly Archives: May 2023

Go for a gas fire pit and love the easy life

Tepro Topeka XL Deluxe Gas Fire Pit Table

Fire pits are one of the simplest, most fun ways to add mood lighting, warmth and a focal point to a garden. You can often cook on them too, thanks to a separate removable BBQ grill. But what if you want your garden life to be even simpler? What if you could just press a […]

About chimeneas – Your versatile outdoor friend

Jumbo Mexican Chimenea Tibor brown including stand and lid

So what’s so special about chimeneas? What is a chimenea anyway? Grab a cuppa and read our article about why chims are really cool things. You might be surprised at how versatile and handy they are. Define chimenea Ok, let’s start at the beginning and describe what a chimenea is. It’s basically a clay or […]

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